Bug List ~ Assignment Two

Today, I will write about twenty things that bother me. I want to start out by stating that even before I wrote this, I was already having trouble coming up with even five items to put in this blog. Wish me luck!


1. I get really annoyed when I hear people chew or swallow their food and/or drink.

~ I don't know what it is, but if I hear it, i immediately get this sense of anger that consumes me. I try to block it out but once I hear it, it is honestly, all I can listen to. I believe the bug exists because people don't chew with their mouth closed. Why don't they chew with their mouth closed? I think it is because they try to take too big of bites, therefore it doesn't all fit!

2. When people are on an electronic device while I am trying to communicate with them.

~ This happens because so many of us (including myself sometimes) are so focused on what is going on in our devices that we forget to live in the present. This bug exists because some (not all) are obsessed with the latest and greatest technology or obsessed with knowing what everyone else is doing with their lives. This can distract us from the people sitting right in front of us!

3. When people assume my dogs are mean because they are German Shepherds.

~ My dogs are my babies and when people assume they are mean before they have even met them makes me upset because they are SUPER sweet. They love other people and other dogs. People tend to be scared of this breed because they are used as a police dog and to be honest, they are quite large, which can be intimidating. I call them my gentle giants! I put a picture of them below! The one on the right is Thor... The one on the left is Ivy...

4. When I wave at people and they don't wave back at me.

~ I still wave at people even though they don't wave back because it hasn't diminished my spirit! I hope that some people just don't see that I wave at them and then I guess the other people are just rude... (or maybe having a bad day... but I hope my wave made them feel better!)

5. The RTS busses in Gainesville are never on time.

~ This can be due to traffic so I guess I should be a little more understanding... It's really frustrating though, sitting in the heat, waiting for the bus to come and it's usually 5 to 10 minutes later than expected. However, I would rather be early than be late and miss the bus!

6. I usually have to sit on the floor when I wait for a class.

~ This is because there isn't enough seating in the common area of a building. I usually arrive an hour early to every class so you think there would be enough seating but nope!

7. When people in a group stand next to each other and take up the entire sidewalk, making the person going the opposite way veer off into the grass or onto the road to continue walking.

~ Not only does it bother me when it happens to me, but it also bothers me when I see it happening to someone else. This could be because people are with their friends talking and would rather make someone else more than actually moving themselves. Another reason is that they just do not care to understand their surroundings.

8. The garbage truck doesn't pick up anything that is not in the garbage can.

~ So, if I have garbage that didn't fit in the garbage can, I would leave it next to it but because everything is electrical and they now put "arms" are the garbage truck, anything that is not in the can does not get picked up. This is frustrating because some weeks we have more garbage than usual. I guess a solution would be to get another garbage can...

9. The fact that classes are put up on the first day of classes and teacher expect students to have the supplies and ready to start.

~ I honestly don't have a reason to why teachers don't put their classes on canvas until the first day. It would be really beneficial for students as well as teachers to post them a week before so we can be prepared. It is a pretty simple fix too.

10. When people whisper in front of you,

~ Nine times out of ten, the people whispering aren't whispering about me but it still makes me feel like they are. It also makes for an uncomfortable situation when it's just you and the people who are whispering. This could be because they don't want me hearing what they have to say but there is a time and place for that... Like when I am not right in front of them.

HALF WAY DONE! It is getting harder the further I go...

11. Laziness and excuses... and then when people complain about having to do work!

~ This is probably something that should not bother me but it does. When I need more money, I work more. When I have stuff to get done, I get it done. Now... I do like having lazy days every now and then... but some people have too many!

12. When technology goes haywire right when you need it the most.

~ This ALWAYS seems to happen. (Well... Not really, but when it does happen, it's quite annoying). When I need to look something up on my phone, I don't have service... When I need to write a paper, Microsoft word does work properly... The list could go on... Why this happens? I am not really sure... Technology must have it out for me!

13. Talking to a computer, when I am trying to talk to a PERSON!

~ I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. Do you know how many times I have called customer service and the first thing I hear is an automated service asking what I want? Countless... I understand that bigger corporations and companies do it because they have so many different areas but I don't have an explanation for the smaller ones. They do it so they don't have to have a person direct your call to the right place but its a computer to save money on the labor.

14. When I get in bed, get comfortable and THEN realize that I have to use the bathroom.

~ You would think that this would only happen once and I would learn from my mistakes but that is not the case. It seems to happen more often than it should. This happens because before bed, I go over my day and then also go over my schedule for the next day, week, month, year, LIFE... I am a planner... So... I get so involved and wrapped up in what I am doing, I forgot to live in the present and use the dang bathroom before I get in bed.

15. Waiting for someone to give me an answer.

~ I am not very patient (not one of my best qualities...). When I have an idea, I want to start and explore that idea right then and there. When I have a question for someone, I want them to be able to answer it right away. I don't necessarily like suspense. I can be a bit impulsive sometimes... but the weird thing is... not with shopping. I am definitely not an impulse shopper. It doesn't make sense, I know. Why am I like this? I guess it is because I like to move at a fast pace because I like things to get done quickly.

16. When I go to the grocery store to buy one item and someone is in the express line with CLEARLY over 15 items...

~ I can't say I haven't done this before but why do people do this? I bet it's because they have 16 items instead of 15 and they didn't want to go in the regular line for just one more item. At least, that was my reasoning when I did it.

17. People who are late.

~ I am (pretty much) always early to events. I don't like being late because I want to respect the host and/or other people attending. It really irks me when people are late (especially the ones you know are ALWAYS late). Why are they late? Sometimes things happen that you can't control but the ones who are always late... I don't have an excuse for them!

18. People who text and drive.

~ When I drive, I am never really afraid of myself running into someone but the person behind me. It really gets on my nerves when someone behind me or next to me is texting and driving. They are not paying attention and it gets on my nerves. Why do they do this? Maybe they are having an important conversation that needs an answer right away... A solution to this would just be to call them!

19. Miscellaneous bruises.

~ I am pale and bruise easily. I don't know where most of them come from either. It's frustrating but I also have to laugh at myself because I really don't know how it happens. A solution would be to stop running into things but I really am puzzled on what I am running into.


20. Mumbling...

~ I guess this relates to the whispering but it is also different because the people are actually trying to say something to you. OR... Maybe they are annoyed and say something under their breath but it's not loud enough for you to hear. This really gets under my skin... and sometimes... MAKES ME MUMBLE! 😃

Being completely honest... It was hard to come up with twenty things that bother me. It took me a couple days to write this list! I noticed that a lot of my pet peeves were about people and I love people! I just wish some of them would have more respect for others and better manners. I try to live a positive life and stay optimistic even when times are hard. I really liked this exercise because it was fun to write about and it made me really think!

By the way... If anyone knows how to put GIF's in the blog posts, please comment and let me know how. I have been trying to figure it out and it is not working for me!

Thank you!


  1. Good list, I found myself agreeing with quite a few of your bugs especially the bus problem, I remember my first year they were terrible about being on time and even went to the wrong location sometimes. I recommend possibly investing in a bike or scooter if possible, I did both and it been life changing.

    1. I have a bike and I use it occasionally! Usually I have so much stuff with me it's hard to ride my bike and carry all of it!

  2. Great list Danielle! I love your attitude towards these assignments and your comedic approach to them, it really does make these assignments 1000% easier. People on their phones or their laptops really bug me too, but I understand that as students we're busy and the simple fact that I'm guilty of this as well. The rest of the bugs you mentioned were also really clever so I congratulate on that.

  3. Okay I'm totally in love with your list. Your very first one is one of my biggest pet peeves and I wish i would've thought of it! Then you stole my heart with the dog bug. People always think my dog is mean. I have a pure bread black lab named Bella and she's a gentle giant yet people take their dogs away from her at the dog park. Ive even had a lady slap my dog because her dog was trying to hump mine and Bella growled at her dog... Like hello its your dog thats the messed up one!!!

    Overall I think your list is great! No need to wish you luck because you got it down! Im excited were in the same group because I definitely relate to your list!


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